Podaima Family

The intent of this Web site is to some day have some content here related to the Podaima (originally Podejma) family history, etc., as well as to redirect or forward Email of the form "first-name@podaima.ca" or "first-name@podaima.com", and to provide space for personal Web pages of the form "first-name.podaima.ca/com". Please contact me (E-mail below) if you want to use the podaima.ca/com Email address for yourself, or would like to add content here.

In the meantime, below is a photo of most of the people that attended the reunion at Steve and Polly Podaima's farm, Zbaraz, Manitoba, Canada, August 3, 2002 --

[large version (~1 MByte)]

And a picture of the family tree, created by Linda Malenchak --

[large version (~1 MByte)]

Wayne Podaima   E-mail: wayne<AT>podaima.ca     (November, 2011)